Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Holidays are coming!

Heading Home for the Holidays

So, the paperwork has been filed and we are still letting people know that we are pursuing this adoption. Through all of this paperwork and home study process, we find out that not one, but BOTH of my sisters-in-law have cancer. This makes it imperative to get home for Christmas and to share our pictures and our story with them and the rest of the family. we have told the family about our plans and I think some think we must be a bit crazy, because our youngest has started her junior year of high school and soon we could have an empty house!

I remember telling my mom about our plans and her reaction was too funny! I called her and asked her how many grandchildren she was up to now , because I had lost count. She said "I have eighteen. Can you believe that?". I said 'Wow, well how would you like to make it 19?' and she! Then she started talking about how she just knew I was going to be like her and have another baby later in life. I had to laugh and then remind her that that was impossible since I have already had a hysterectomy. She was a bit confused and then asked what I was talking about. I then shared with her about this young man.

I think my in-laws were about more confused as to why we would do this and why now. I kind of thought it might take a little more time for them to wrap their head around it. So, we took pictures with us when we went home, as a way to introduce him to everyone. It wasn't until then that I realized he looked an awful lot like my oldest brother, as a teen. Amazing how God does that isn't it? My mother thought he looked like our youngest daughter until I pointed out the resemblance to my brother. This was just more confirmation to me that he was our son and that God had called us to him. He is supposed to be a part of our family.

Oh, I almost forgot! Our friend David had gone over in October, while we were doing paperwork, ad nauseum, for some business and to visit the orphanage where our son lives. We quickly put together a photo book with some pics of the family and our dogs and the house so he could deliver them. While he was there, he was able to go to the café with our son and a couple of friends to Skype with us. We had planned everything out so he could meet everyone (except Beth, she was in college)- and then life happened and he only got to 'meet' Michael. Oh and we talked and he was looking through the book as we talked and I had him meet the dogs too! I gave him a tour of the house and we were able to talk about things he liked and was interested in trying. He was very fascinated with the fact that we had 2 dogs and they live inside with us. He wants to learn to swim and to dance. I was struck by the things we take so easily for granted are his actual dreams!

Back to the holidays!!!!
We had a wonderful visit with our family and they started to understand the plight of these children and that we were called to this one child. We felt very grateful and encouraged by our family. The day after Christmas we had a photographer that came out and took family photos for us and it was wonderful! We were able to capture some beautiful shots of my husband and his sisters being goofy, loving each other and everyone's family's. These would be memories that we were going to be grateful we took the time for.

Over Christmas, I would become friends with someone from California- Tracy! She was overseas to adopt her son, from the same orphanage as us. We quickly became friends and she was able to message me and let me talk with my son through Facebook messenger. We spent A LOT of time on there! My son would come up to her every time she was available and point to her phone and ask 'Mama, mama Jeannie.", meaning he wanted her to message me. I am SO grateful to Tracy for her relaying info for us and being there to encourage him that he is loved and he has a family that will come for him. Tracy has been such a support and an encourage when things have not gone the way they should. And she has prayed through every mountain that needed to be moved.

January came and we got news that we had to travel home again. Our church and friends were awesome and supported u with funds to go home again, this time to say goodbye to one of my sisters-in-law. I tell you this, not to be a downer, but this is all part of how life happens in the midst of this crazy journey and how your faith can be tested and how God brings you through and makes you stronger in the end. All these trips home can be expensive and when you are trying to save every bit to get your child home, it is hard. We began to put together a package to send to our son in honor of his has taken time to do that.

I will end here for today, but I will pick up the journey soon!

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